Project Details
This API generates Kundli Data in JSON format. Fully customisable, fast and accurate
This API needs input in the following format
1. birthdate (DD-MM-YYYY format eg 15-06-1089)
2.birthtime (HH:MM, 24 Hr format eg 16:44)
3.birthlongitude( Longitude of birthplace eg 77.7)
4. birthlatitude (latitude of birthplace eg 28.98)
5. birthtimezone( Timezone of birthplace eg 5.5)
You will get following data in JSON format.
1.Birth Details(birth_details)
2.Birth Panchang(birth_panchang)
3. Birth Charts (birth_chart->
4. Planet Details (planet_details of all planets)
5. Lagna Description
6.Moonsign Description
7. Vimshottari Major Dasha and antardasha
8.Pratyantar Dasha
9.Yogini Dasha
10.Bhinnashtak varga
11.Sarvashtak verga
12. Gemstone suggestion
13.Sadesati check
14. Manglik Check
15.Kaalsarp yog check
16 Other yogas